O'my! It's Five O'clock Somewhere DM CGC TKN

Call Name: Buzz 
DOB: 10/8/2022

Color: gold/white
Coat: rough 

Height: 20.5"
Weight: 42#  

CEA/CH: Clear (clear via parentage for OS Panel)
TNS: Clear
CL: Clear
IGS: Clear
DM: Clear
MDR1: Clear
SN: Clear
DH/RS: Clear
EAOD: Clear
BCG: Normal (GensolDX)

(click here to be taken directly to OFA)

OFA Hips: Good 
OFA Elbows: Normal
OFA Shoulders: Normal 

BAER: Normal 11/18/2022
Basic Cardiac: Normal 4/20/2024
CAER/CERF: Normal 4/20/2024

 Buzz is trained, co-owned, and loved by Kelley Adams in GA. Kelley also owns cousin Tess (Tex/Remedy).

Meet Buzz!

Buzz is a handsome dark gold/white male from our only litter from our co-owned Multiple Group-Placing | Multiple OH Group-Winning GCHS CH O'my! Time To Shine BN RE FDC AX AXJ XF CA BCAT RATN DM DSX2 AJ CGCA CGCU TKP VHMA "Shine" (Dare/Spryte, bred by us) to the wonderful MACH Holther's Secret Weapon MX MXJ NF, AKC PTD "ReCon" (Thunder/Georgia, bred by Holley Grooms). 

Buzz is an outgoing and driven dog. He is super sweet and very “normal” to live with and be around. He is not a pushy or in your face kind of dog, no quirks, and has a very quiet and confident energy.  He is extremely easy to live with and be around. He has high toy drive, medium food drive, and loves to fetch.  He has natural “hops” for the disc and is a good tracker.  Buzz took to swimming immediately like the rest of his fish relatives and at 10 months of age busts out a Personal Best of 23'1 and earns his Dock Master title at his very first NADD event Fall of 2023.  In the 2024 season, he kicks it off with an invite to the 2024 NADD Regional Championship by placing 2nd in the Master Division at a Qualifier - he also hits a new personal best of 24'1"! I am really excited to see how he continues to progress in dock. 

He has started his agility training and has a nice level head while working. He shows great promise and ability in the sport, with good jumping ability. He is an all around team player in whatever sport he is doing. I am really excited to watch his journey unfold in agility and dock diving!

Buzz's mother, Shine, is one of our talented Spryte daughters, making Shine a half sister to our Cupcake (Hops/Spryte) and to our co-owned Hitman (Ryder/Spryte). Spryte has been such an asset to our program and I am thrilled to be able to utilize a few of her kids moving forward. Buzz's father, ReCon, is a nephew to our late Remedy and we are so thankful we were able to use him to Shine for this very special litter. 

Buzz lives with Kelley Adams who owns cousin Tess (Tex/Remedy). Buzz is co-owned.